Sun Suthasun PhD, MBA,B.E.Eng

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The Section : Innovative ideas  is  Updated  on 24th May 2015  : The Defense wall Robot For the Poilce

The Section  : Innovate Ideas   is Updated  on 17th  October 2014 ; Smart Key-tag  For busy people  ,


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Futuristic world

Touch screen & wearable sensors for music instruments

How can music industry utilize the touch screen and wearable sensors?



We have been using drum set application on iPad (Fig.01) or other touch devices. However there are limitations.


  1. Leg movement cannot be transferred to the application
  2. The size of the iPad screen is not enough for the hand movement


Then simplest solution is

Get  multiple IPads i.e one iPad for each instrument  and  write the app for it


Second simplest solution is


" Just having a bigger touch screen (Bigger iPad ) and wearable sensors (Fig.02). Then

(Fig .02)

You can carry your drum set anywhere and play at any time.

It is convenient to carry anywhere at anytime

Cheaper than standard drum set



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